Trading Apps Big SCAM Exposed🔥🔥🔥

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By More Hrushikesh

Trading Apps Big SCAM Exposed


Hey there! Today, I want to talk to you about an important topic that affects many people – trading. Trading, whether it’s binary trading, forex trading, or any other type, can be a great way to invest and potentially earn some extra income. However, it’s crucial to be aware of the risks involved, especially when it comes to unauthorized trading platforms.

The Scam Exposed

Recently, there has been an alarming increase in the number of scams related to trading. Many individuals have fallen victim to fraudulent trading platforms that promise huge returns but end up swindling people of their hard-earned money. One such scam that has gained attention is the Karthiweki Casse Bhat Karte or Akir Bhatti scam.

It’s important to note that well-known influencers and social media platforms may unknowingly promote these unauthorized platforms, luring unsuspecting individuals into investing their savings. However, it’s crucial to be cautious and do thorough research before diving into any trading venture.

Identifying Unauthorized Platforms

So, how can you identify unauthorized trading platforms? The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued a list of unauthorized platforms, but it’s important to remember that this list is not exhaustive. Some popular unauthorized platforms that you may have come across include Binomo and Okta FX, which may seem attractive due to their lucrative offers and shortcuts to success. However, these platforms are completely unauthorized and should be avoided at all costs.

To ensure the safety of your hard-earned income and savings, it’s important to choose a trading platform that is authorized and listed by the RBI. Make sure to check the RBI’s list and verify that the platform you are considering is on it.

The Reality of Unauthorized Platforms

Unauthorized trading platforms may seem tempting at first, but they are nothing more than a hoax. Investing in these platforms can lead to complications when it comes to withdrawing your funds, and many individuals have lost thousands of rupees as a result.

Remember, the RBI has issued an alert regarding these unauthorized platforms, as they operate illegally and are not regulated. If you encounter any unauthorized platform, it’s important to report it to the RBI’s helpline number for financial fraud or visit their website,, to file a complaint.

List of Some Scam Trading Apps


In conclusion, trading can be a rewarding venture if done correctly and through authorized platforms. It’s crucial to be wary of unauthorized trading platforms that promise quick and easy money. Always make sure to do your due diligence, research the platform, and consult experts before investing your hard-earned money.

Remember, your savings and income are valuable, and it’s important to protect them from scammers and fraudulent platforms. Stay informed, stay alert, and make wise investment decisions.


  1. What are unauthorized trading platforms? Unauthorized platforms are those that operate without proper authorization or regulation from governing financial bodies like the RBI. They often promise unrealistic returns and may not secure your investments.
  2. How can I identify unauthorized platforms? Refer to the Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) list of authorized platforms. If a platform is not on this list, it might be unauthorized. Be cautious of platforms with unrealistic promises or inadequate regulations.
  3. What risks are associated with unauthorized platforms? Unauthorized platforms lack regulatory oversight and might pose risks of fund loss, difficulties in withdrawing money, and potentially fraudulent practices.
  4. Are all attractive trading platforms unauthorized? Not necessarily, but some unauthorized platforms might offer seemingly attractive deals. Always cross-check the platform against the RBI’s authorized list.
  5. How do I report an unauthorized platform? If you come across or suspect an unauthorized trading platform, report it immediately to the RBI’s helpline for financial fraud or file a complaint on their cybercrime website.
  6. Can I recover funds lost on unauthorized platforms? It can be challenging. Unauthorized platforms often lack proper oversight, making recovery difficult. Immediate reporting and legal action might assist in some cases, but prevention is key.
  7. How do I choose a safe trading platform? Opt for platforms listed on the RBI’s authorized list. Additionally, seek advice from financial experts and conduct thorough research before investing.

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